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HomeSkid Pan

Skid pan days are held at the RACQ Mobility Center of Excellence, Mount Cotton, on a specially designed track that is used to train and test drivers on how to control a vehicle in situations where it may lose traction, such as when driving on wet roads, or when making sudden turns or stops. The skidpan is a large, flat, open area with a surface that is made of a low-friction material, and covered in an oil based lubricant, which allows the vehicle's tyres to slide easily.


Drivers use the skid pan to learn and practice techniques such as skid recovery, which involves regaining control of a vehicle that has started to slide or spin out of control, as well as emergency braking, evasive maneuvers, and other defensive driving techniques.


Note: these events are a LOT of fun.

Visit the Skid Control Website

Lisa & Queen Col


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